What Are Dental Bridges Used For?

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The occurrence of tooth decay or oral trauma could result in a lost tooth, requiring restorative dentistry to replace the missing tooth and restore your smile. Dental bridges are a very popular option for tooth replacement. We invite you to learn more about what dental bridges do to replace a missing tooth and improve your smile.

This singular appliance uses a false tooth or teeth to bridge an empty space left by a lost tooth, and dental crowns are fused on either side to attach to neighboring teeth to anchor the bridge so that it is stable and can look and feel like a natural tooth.

Dental bridges have become a very popular solution for tooth loss because they offer a very natural appearance that helps to improve your smile. Furthermore, they offer a lot of stability for your smile and enhance the bite force by correcting a misaligned bite so that the other teeth and jaw muscles don’t need to take on the extra stress of chewing.

If you would like to learn more about restorative dentistry to repair tooth loss, we invite you to call Plaza Dental PA at 952-236-1888 today to discuss the possibility of dental bridges in Lakeville, Minnesota, with our experienced dentist, Drs. Bergstein and Nordeen.